A topic that I cover teach twice, but use repeatedly in Spanish 1 and 2 is the present progressive tense. Ex: I am walking. My textbook gives a decent explanation of the grammar topic, but I usually revamp it once actually teach it to the students. In addition to the textbook, I also look to http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/presprog.htm to get additional practice problems for my students. I have found that studyspanish.com has good explanations and good worksheets/quizzes with each grammar topic.
For this assignment I searched the web for additional resources and found a few:
1) http://www.quia.com/cb/201178.html (An interactive Jeopardy game online for the p.p.)
2) http://reviewgamezone.com/game.php?id=2861 (Site with at least 8 different review games for the p.p)
I also thought about other ways to have students practice the present progressive-things like charades, Pictionary,etc). Then I thought about making a rap/song and a video. So I went to YouTube and found some real gems like this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5OHqUiNnOQ.
I have never tried using online review games or having students write songs/raps about grammar topics. I thought about it late in the year and did offer extra credit, but I am going to incorporate this more now that I have found good resources.
I think interdisciplinary teaching and learning can have huge benefits for both students and teachers. I am a firm believer in Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences and think it is important to address as many intelligences as possible in a lesson. I think the interdisciplinary strategies can reach more students than if you only teach in one way. It allows for content to be accessible to a larger range of students. A potential challenge would be prep time. Developing lessons that address and incorporate other disciplines and intelligences can be time very consuming. I also think that perhaps having the time to also speak to teachers in other departments to help you create lessons could also be a challenge. I do, however, think that the value of interdisciplinary teaching is worth the time
See my comments:
Alana Scott: http://mademoisellescott.blogspot.com/
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